Ice Breaker and Storytelling
1. Pre-Reading
a. Pictures of characters (real life & as per the story book) are put on the screen. Sounds of each character are played, students match each sound to its character. Characters: Vincent, the spider, the caterpillar, the beetle, the bird, the butterfly, the snake, the mouse, the bat.
(Slides: 4&5)
b. The teacher introduces the storybook: “Vincent Paints His House” by Ted Arnold. Ask questions of what they think the story is going to be about. (Slide 6)
c. The teacher introduces new vocabulary:
(i) Characters: Vincent, spider, caterpillar, beetle, bird, butterfly, snake, mouse, bat.
(ii) Colours: white, red, yellow, purple, blue, orange, green, brown, black.
(iii) Tools: paint, paint brush, palette, house.
(Slides 7-19)
2. During-reading
a. Guided reading - Video of the story is played, students follow silently in their books or on the screen, while listening.
(Slide 21)
b. Detailed reading – from the video, the class will read the entire story. The full story is replayed again, after each reading section, the video is paused.
c. A selected student will read the part aloud.
d. The teacher asks the students what will happen on the next page, who is the next character and what colour will he/she choose in the story. (Predictions).
(Slide 21)
e. Enunciation and pronunciation: Incorrect pronunciation and enunciation, while reading the story, will be corrected immediately - by repeating the correct pronunciation and enunciation a few times.
3. Post-reading
a) Reading Comprehension -
The teacher asks students questions related to the story book: How many characters are there in the story? Who are the characters? What/how many different colours are there in the story? Which character prefers white/red/yellow/blue/orange/ purple/green/brown/black? What happened at the end of the story?
(Slide 23)
b) Story sequence -
Black & white copies of the pages of the book are put up on the board, not in sequence. The teacher asks who is the first character and what colour did he/she choose? Selected students will put no. 1, then continue by asking other students to put the rest of the story in sequence on the board. (Free speaking)
(Slide 24 & Worksheets 1)
c) Read and share -
Each student chooses a character from the book.
The teacher writes down the names of the students and the character they’ve chosen next to their names on the board.
Selected students will:
Say why he/she has chosen the specific character.
Read the part of his/her character in the book.
Lesson 2: Extension Activity
(Students Reading)
1. The teacher gives a character from the book to each student: The StoryTeller is the teacher, the rest of the characters are: Vincent, the spider, the caterpillar, the beetle, the bird, the butterfly, the snake, the mouse and the bat. If there are more students than characters, more than one student will share the same character and worksheet.
2. Each student will receive a copy of the reading part (where the colour is indicated) of their specific character. Each student read their part silently, then read it aloud - one by one.
3. Each student will then receive another worksheet with the same dialogue, with a blank space; where the student has to write his/her name next to the character.
4. The teacher replays the entire story (as recorded with sound effects listened to at the beginning of lesson 1) to the class.
5. Then, each student reads their part from their worksheet (2b), as if he/she is the specific character in the book. (With the character’s sound effects).
6. Class read the story from the beginning to the end from the video on the screen – each student reads his/her part as per previous exercise.
7. Students will then answer questions of what they like/didn’t like, what can be changed, to make it a better story. (The teacher will make notes, because this will be used in the next lesson.)
8. The teacher collects worksheets for the next lesson.
Lesson 3: Introduction to Mobile Tools
1. Students are put into four groups.
2. Each group receives an i-Pad.
3. Rules of the i-Pad are explained. The teacher will inform them not to use any app or website if not instructed.
(Slide 4)
4. Students will watch the video of how to operate the basic functions of this i-Pad. (Turn on and turn off, how to connect to WiFi, camera and videoing and the other basics).
(Slide 5)
5. Students will practice the basic functions.
(Slides 6-9)
6. The teacher introduces Google and Google Slides to the students.
(Slide 10 & 11)
7. The teacher will give a step by step demo and instruction on how to edit a Google Slide.
(Slide 13 - 19)
8. Students will edit slides: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 & 25 as a class together (with the guidance of the teachers). The names of each student will be entered on the specific slide for his/her character. Each student will get a chance to edit a slide.
9. The Google slides are only used for practicing.
Lesson 4-6: Story-related Tasks (Hands-on)
1. Film making – by using Google Slides and Movavi video recording as digital media tools, the students will make a video recorded book.
2. Students will use the story book slides, worksheets and discussions from the previous lessons to edit the story, by entering their names and to change the story to make a digital story book of the Winter Camp.
3. Students will complete to paint/colour in worksheet 2(b) as per the colour of his/her character.
4. Students dress in his/her costume.
5. Two separate photos are taken of each student: one portfolio photo of the student and the other of the completed worksheet.
6. The teacher uploads the above photos in a folder.
7. Students practice his/her reading part of the story separately, as if he/she is the character. (Use worksheet 2(b)).
8. Recording of each students’ reading part as per no.7 (one by one - recorded on Movavi.)
9. The class and Teacher will read the rest of the story, slides: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 - this will be recorded.(Character is mainly Vincent).
10. Changes during the recording will be added to the new story.
11. Video recording with all photos on slides and recordings put together as one story.
12. While/after recording, the students will paint a small wooden house with the colours from the book. Photos will be taken.
13. When the recording and painting are completed, photos and the audio will be inserted and uploaded into the newly created story book on Google Slides and Movavi.
14. After the camp, once the entire story book had been edited and completed, it will be shared via a YouTube link, as a memory for the students who attended this camp.