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英語日 🡆 111學年度

  • 5/15- 5/19/2023 (Week 14)
    * Canada – learn about a unique food - Japadog.
    * Song: Folk dance of Canada
    * Vocabulary: Canada, Japadog, Vancouver, world map, recipe, ingredients, history – story, menu
    * Activity: Students worked on their iPads to explore facts about Japadog.
    Dance/Song: Folk dance of Canada (Students only viewed the dance)
    PPT & Activity:
    Students worked on their iPads (Grade 8)
    They had to find the answers of the following:
    1. Which country invented the Japadog?
    2. Find the country on the world map.
    3. Find the flag of the relevant country.
    4. What is a japadog?
    5. Find a picture of a japadog.
    6. Search the history of the japadog on Wikipedia.
    7. Find a recipe for a japadog.

    5/22- 5/26/2023 (Week 15)
    Students looked at two videos how to make a japadog.
    How to make Japadog | Japanese Hot dog recipe - YouTube

    Students had to answer questions what they think a japadog is.
    Students had to answer questions related to how to make a japadog and what the ingredients are.

    5/29- 6/02/2023 (Week 16)
    Our English day is on the 5th June and we will make Japadogs in the kitchen. The current lessons are to prepare the students on how to make it. The lessons went well. Students are excited about this upcoming activity.

    Students had to demonstrate how they would cut the sausages and lemon.
    Students helped with cutting out decorations for the English Day.
    Students had to complete a word search related to Japadogs.

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  • 母親節時由學生上台表演英語讀者劇場及英語歌曲演唱,畢業典禮時由學生上台做英語祝福詞朗讀及歌曲表演.

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  • 透過繪本閱讀節歌曲吟唱,了解媽媽不一樣的地方,也唱出對母親的感謝!

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  • 八年級學習復活節相關的英文文章以及畫出適合自己的復活節彩蛋。

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  • At the beginning of each lesson I ask the students how he/she is, they answer how they feel, e.g. happy, not so good, etc. Now I’m encouraging them to ask me:” How about you?”
    Song: I’ve introduced an Irish line dance to them - they only watched.
    1. The story of St. Patrick is shared with the students via a Youtube video link: What is St. Patrick's Day? - St. Patrick's Day celebration for kids - YouTube
    2. Vocabulary: Youtube link used - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGBI6TsaaFY; Shamrock, Ireland, hat, horseshoe, pot of gold, leprechaun, flag, coins, lucky rainbow, castle, green, bagpipe, Irish. Students had to repeat the words and afterwards the picture of the vocabulary is shown and the students need to say what it is.
    3. Activity: Youtube link used - St Patrick's Day Word Scramble | Saint Patrick's Day Kids Games | Kids Word Scramble | Easy Learning - YouTube - Words of the vocabulary are scrambled, students had to say what it is. This activity was very difficult for them. In future I’ll use the original vocabulary link and they had to spell and say the word.
    4. I had a meeting with the co-teachers including the FET leader of the school regarding the Chinese translation and conversations. All understood and I could immediately see their efforts to concentrate not to translate, but only when I ask or when it is necessary. I have a very good relationship with all my colleagues and when there is an issue, we address it immediately and move on. I am privileged to be part of this team.
    5. The spelling and reading of grade 7 and 5 students are on a very low level. I’ve already started to concentrate on designing lessons to enhance their vocabulary, spelling and reading. This also includes pronunciation.

    PPT: Celebration of St. Patrick’s day:

    We played a game called:” The Lucky Rainbow”. A laminated rainbow with the pictures of St. Patrick’s Day vocabulary glued onto a specific colour of the rainbow:
    1. A student draws a vocabulary word from the bag.
    2. Student to show on the rainbow what it is. (mark if correct)
    3. The vocabulary word is put next to the student’s name on the scoreboard.
    4. Other students cannot select the same vocabulary word.
    5. The student said the word. (Pronunciation mark)
    6. If the student said the correct word, but the pronunciation is incorrect (half a mark).
    7. Student to spell the word. (Mark if correct – first time, otherwise no mark)
    8. The winner is the student with the highest marks.

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  • 利用下學期會舉辦的母親節節慶,配合world word課本教材主題,設計出一整學期的活動內容,有母親節故事文本閱讀、母親節節慶單字教授、母親節卡片手作活動、母親節歌謠演唱My Little Love等等,透過教師課程設計,讓學生能對此節慶有瞭解、延伸出有更深一層的情意,並能對母親懷著感恩的心。

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  • ICRT廣播節目主播所用的語詞都是精準到位的。利用每周一的早上20分鐘的時間,擷取適合學生有興趣之國際教育、時事議題之新聞對全校播放,內容中除了英語外還有國語的補充說明,讓學生在聆聽內容中,增加單字量及基本句型的聽力能力,並習得課堂內未學到的課外知識。

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  • 本學年英語日

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  • Week 19 /3 Jan – 6 Jan 2023
    Teaching Topic
    Happy New Year!

    *Core Conversation (CC):
    Ask:” How are you?” - I am … & “What is this?” - It is …

    Happy New Year:
    **Listen, watch, and dance to: “Happy New Year” from ABBA.
    *Youtube video: Story of the Lunar New Year.
    *New Year vocabulary (split into grades): Couplet, scroll, festival, wealth, health, fortune, Spring, better life, table leg, celebrate, prosperity, kindness, peace, wishing you, blessings, may you have, life, plenty of, protection, money, moon, rabbit, good luck, dumplings lantern, monster, happiness, red envelope, fire crackers .
    ** Worksheet with words to create a NY message.
    **Students writing NY message on red paper in a shape of couplet.

    *Couplet New Year message activity:
    **Students draw the couplet shape on the red paper.
    **Students first wrote:” Happy New Rabbit Year!” on the red paper – in the middle block.
    **Then wrote their first sentence from the worksheet on the left side of the couplet, second sentence on the right hand side.
    ** Class went to office to laminate their cards. Then cut it out and hung it in front of their class.

    Week 20 /9 Jan – 13 Jan 2023
    *Happy New Year:
    **Watch video: New year drone show in South Korea.
    **YouTube video: The Legend of Why New Year Is Celebrated.
    **New Year vocabulary (split into grades): Lantern festival, celebrate, red envelope, fire crackers, dragon dance, dumplings, lanterns, temple, fish, spring rolls, sweet rice balls, oranges, rice cake, noodles, zodiac, glue, blade paper cutter, draw a line, measure, dot. .
    **Students writing NY message on red paper in a shape of couplet.
    **Students making paper lanterns.

    *Making of Lanterns:
    ** PPT - Vocabulary of materials which they used.
    ** Each student received an A4 red paper, paper cutter, ruler and pencil.
    ** YouTube video played which demonstrated how to make a paper lantern.
    **Video played in steps, after each step the students had to complete the task.
    ** Once all lanterns were made, it is hanged up in the lobby.

    Week 21 /16 Jan – 19 Jan 2023
    *Making of Lanterns:
    **YouTube video played which demonstrated how to make a paper lantern.
    **Video played in steps, after each step the students had to complete the task.
    ** Lanterns finished and hung up in the lobby.

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  • 運用系列活動帶領學生學習聖誕節相關單字與句型、聖誕歌的教唱以及聖誕卡片的製作。

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  • Week 17 /19 Dec – 23 Dec 2022
    Christmas lesson – how to make a Christmas card (All grades):
    **Sing and dance to “Jingle bells” and “We wish you a Merry Xmas”.
    ** PPT – how to make a Xmas card:
    *** Students made cards with decorations such as stickers, ribbons; had to fold the card and wrote a Xmas message inside.
    *** Xmas vocabulary – YouTube – students had to guess what the picture reveals - Xmas tree, candy cane, wreath, snowman, reindeer, present/gift, candle, Xmas hat, gingerbread man, Xmas stocking, Santa Claus.

    * Christmas activity: (Jnr High)
    ** Students sang the Xmas song:” We wish you a Merry Xmas”
    ** The cards the students made, were handed to them. They hung it up on the Christmas tree and made a wish.
    **Teacher Nina acted as Santa and told the Xmas story. Each student had 5 counts to find a candy in the Xmas stocking. (Betty assisted)
    ** One student (who shows great potential) from each class, received a gift and had to say something in front of the students and teachers.

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  • Week 14 / 28 Nov - 2 Dec
    **Sing and dance the FIFA World Cup song.
    **Pictures of where Qatar is, La’eeb, stadiums, awards, previous winners, fixtures, groups and teams.
    Week 15 / 5 Dec – 9 Dec 2022
    **Sing and dance the FIFA World Cup song.
    **Review of previous lesson.
    **For activity: Flags of the countries displayed on the screen.
    **For activity 2: Instructions of foosball box displayed on the screen.
    Week 16 /12 Dec – 16 Dec 2022
    *FIFA World Cup 2022:
    **Sing and dance the FIFA World Cup song.
    **Review of previous lesson and vocabulary.
    **Continued with activity: making a foosball box and completing it.
    Week 18 /26 Dec – 30 Dec 2022
    *FIFA World Cup 2022:
    **Sing and dance to: “Hayya hayya”
    **PPT - Review soccer vocabulary.
    ** Worksheet with questions and answers based on the previous World Cup lessons.
    ** Youtube videos to demonstrate vocabulary such as throw, dribble, goal.

    *English Corner activity:
    ** Students reviewed the questions and answers from the worksheet in the classroom first. They had to read the question, then another student had to answer. Made turns, until all questions were answered.
    ** Students went to the English Corner and played a blindfolded game. One student is blindfolded and turned around by another, then had to press on a word, open his/her eyes, say the word, match it to the picture on the board, then explain what it means.

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  • 1.配合每月主題(搭配學校相關活動)進行相關活動,並且會進行情境布置,週五為本校英語日時間,打掃時間播放英語歌曲。

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  • 利用晨光時間辦理全校性英語單字及句型闖關。

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  • 每個月第二週的週一訂為英語日活動.以主題或節慶進行進行英語有趣的多元學習的活動,累積學生學習英語的樂趣及成效.

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  • 每學期於社團活動時間,全校師生一起參與食農教育活動,由本校外師Chris配合教授相關單字和簡單句型

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  • 利用隔週一的晨光與第一節課時間,邀請環山天主堂的李神父與安神父輪流到校與高年級學生進行英語教學與口語表達活動。

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  • 六年級自然老師主教,外師協同每週二一起上雙語自然課,使用雙語自編教材教具,增加學生英語曝光率及在生活情境中使用英語互動的機會.

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