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英語課繪、讀本閱讀 🡆 111學年度

  • *Song: African dance
    *PPT basic conversation:
    Masaka : “Where do you come from?”
    Susan: “I come from Australia, and you?”
    Masaka : “I come from Africa.”
    Susan: “How old are you?”
    Masaka : “I’m 9 years old.”
    Masaka : “How old are you?”
    Susan: “I’m 18 years old.”

    Masaka : “What is your occupation?”
    Susan: “I’m an exchange student.”
    Susan: “What’s your job?”
    Masaka : “I’m a dancer.”
    Susan: “Nice to meet you.”
    Masaka : “Same here!”
    Susan: “Goodbye!”
    Masaka : “See you!”
    Masaka : “Bye, have a nice day”
    Susan: “ You too!”

    ** The conversation is pre-recorded and played when the conversation is displayed on the screen. Then the students had to repeat the conversation as a class.
    **Words are removed in two different ways from the above conversations and students had to complete it by repeating/saying the conversation 3x.
    **Two students had to practice the conversations – all students had a chance.

    Students received a worksheet to complete the missing words:

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  • *National anthem, flag, president, languages, currency, famous food, tourist/popular attractions, and Teacher Nina’s family.
    **Nina’s family, brother, sister, mother, father.
    **What Nina likes, how she grew up.

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  • March is Women’s History Month in the USA and in most countries around the world 8 March is Women’s Day. In this spirit we started reading about Malala Yousafzai. I have both English and Chinese copies of the book Malala’s Magic Pencil. First we talk about where is she from, find Pakistan on a map, ask around the class who knows what about her. Then we start reading the books page by page. The HLS reading out aloud the English, I ask them if they understand what is going on. Then the LLS read the Chinese version of the same page. In all the classes (except gr 9) that is what we did this week.
    Gr 901 we wrapped up the Sounds of Silence lesson.
    Gr 902 I did not see them because they wrote their midterm exams on Friday.

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  • The Giving Tree (TGT) Lesson 1:
    Sitting outside under a tree we read the TGT and completed a work sheet. We did not finish the worksheet as there was a lot of discussions about being selfish and selfless.

    The Giving Tree (TGT) Lesson 2. Watched a short video / animation of TGT. Completed worksheet 2. Spoke about things students raised:
    Did the tree get what she deserved because she gave without boundaries; why was he called boy even as an old man; important things to say to the people we love: thank you, I’m sorry, I love you, spend time with them – just keep them company.

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  • 於彈性英語時間進行英語繪本分享,並利用點讀筆增加學生自學樂趣。

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